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How to Choose Pregnancy-Safe Cleaning Products for Your Home

Family about to grow? Congratulations! Pregnancy is an incredibly exciting time, but it also comes with plenty to think about. One question that likely pops up in your mind multiple times a day is, “Is this safe for my baby?” – and if you’ve ever wondered this while sprucing up your home, today’s article is for you.

Is it Safe to Use Cleaning Products When Pregnant?

You can safely clean your home while pregnant. You just need to err on the side of caution, which means choosing the right cleaning solutions and keeping you and your bubba’s well-being first.

We’ll go into more detail shortly, but a good rule of thumb when it comes to cleaning products is: if it’s full of chemicals, it’s probably not what you want in your home. Why? Well, there’s plenty of research linking toxic ingredients to breathing issues, asthma development, fertility problems, birth defects… and the list goes on.

Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy 

There are a few toxic ingredients to steer clear of while you’re busy growing a tiny human. Here are 5 to watch out for:

  • Phthalates. Exposure to phthalates can increase the risk of low birth weight, as well as preterm birth and certain mental health issues, particularly autism and ADHD (although more research is needed here). 

  • Glycol ethers. Commonly found in oven, glass and carpet cleaners, glycol ethers have been linked to miscarriage, birth defects, and low birth weight

  • Ammonia. Breathing in ammonia fumes can irritate your nose, throat and lungs – not great for anyone, but definitely not something you want to deal with during pregnancy.

  • Spray and aerosol cleaners. These sneaky spritzers release tiny particles that, if inhaled, can irritate your lungs and lead to respiratory issues. One study also found that the use of sprays while pregnant may increase your little one’s odds of wheezing and infections later on.

  • Air fresheners. Most air fresheners are packed with those phthalates we mentioned before, as well as synthetic fragrances and other nasties that can affect indoor air quality.

Can I Use Bleach if I’m Pregnant?

Bleach is another one you may want to avoid (whether you’ve got a bun in the oven or not, really). Similar to ammonia, the harsh fumes can easily scratch your throat and cause an annoying cough. And let’s face it, pregnancy comes with enough curveballs – do you really want to add a nagging cough to the mix?

What to Look for in Pregnancy-Safe Cleaning Products

Pregnancy is a time to be extra cautious about your exposure to chemical ingredients, so your bub-friendly cleaning products should, above all, be simple, non-toxic, and as gentle as a lullaby.

When we say simple, we’re talking about the ingredients list. If you can barely pronounce most names on the label, it’s best to avoid it. Instead, stick to the basics – vinegar, baking soda, lemon, you get the drill.

Similarly, if it could be irritating and potentially harmful, it’s a no-go. And don’t worry, non-toxic cleaning products can be just as, if not more effective than their chemical-laden alternatives. We’ve got a whole article comparing the two, if you’re keen to learn more.

It may also be a good idea to keep an eye out for eco-friendly certifications. They’re easy to spot and work as green thumbs-ups that a product is safer for yourself, the little one, and our planet.

Smart and Safe Cleaning Tips for Mums-to-Be

By now you know which ingredients to avoid while growing your bundle of joy, as well as how to choose the safest cleaning products. But, there are a few extra cleaning tips to help keep mum and bub safe:

  • Glove and mask up: You want to do everything you can to avoid direct contact with potential irritants – nothing a pair of gloves and a face mask can’t handle.

  • Open up the windows: Proper ventilation helps to keep the air in your home fresh, while also reducing your exposure to fumes.

  • Take breaks: Cleaning can be exhausting, especially while carrying an extra passenger. Remember, you don’t need to clean the whole house at once!

  • Ask for help: Sometimes you need an extra hand and that’s perfectly fine. When there’s heavy lifting, prolonged standing or intense elbow grease required, best to let someone else take care of it.

  • When in doubt, speak to your doctor. There’s no one better than your doctor to confirm whether something is or isn’t safe during pregnancy. If you’re unsure, you know who to call.

Caring for Your Home, Caring for Your Baby

You’ve got a bun in the oven and there’s a lot to prepare and think about. The last thing you need to worry about is whether that multi-purpose spray in your kitchen could harm your young’un. Fortunately, with eco-friendly products (and our expert cleaning tips), you can enjoy peace of mind while keeping your home sparkling clean.



  1. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240211/Prenatal-exposure-to-phthalates-linked-to-higher-risk-of-preterm-birth-and-low-birth-weight.aspx
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8651233/
  3. https://journals.lww.com/epidem/fulltext/2006/11001/exposure_to_glycol_ethers_during_pregnancy_in_the.774.aspx
  4. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/216507999404200901
  5. https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/ammonia_tech.htm
  6. https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/contaminants/bleach-mixing-dangers
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23064260/
  8. https://asthmapregnancytoolkit.org.au/indoor-air-quality/household-aerosols-and-perfumes/

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